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Terms of Use

Section 1. Definitions

The following terms used in this document shall read as follows:

Delivery - a service of transporting or fulfilment the Items covered by the Transaction, provided by professional operator selected through the service provided by Daris.om

Day - means 24 hours consecutively.

Guest - a natural person using the Website, without an Account or not logged in to it.

ION - ION registered office:

Alwatayah, Mattrah P.O.Box 50 102
Muscat, Oman VAT no. / NIP: 1373035

Contact with the ION is possible at: office@ionoman.com or using other communication channels indicated on the Website.

Category - thematic category (e.g. Automotive, Electronics, etc.) to which the Advertisement is assigned. The category can be divided into thematically related subcategories.

Consumer - a User who is a natural person who performs activities on the Website not related directly to his business or professional activity.

Account - a set of data related to a given User, including information about his activity on the Website, including the user's information on the Website. The rules regarding the Account are set out in section no. 3

Buyer - a User who makes Transactions with the Merchant using the Website's functionality.

Merchant - a User who takes actions to sell or who sells Goods as part of an Offer

Offer - a proposal to conclude a contract of sale for Goods under the terms provided for by the Merchant, including, in particular, the price and a description of the offered Goods, using the functionalities available on the ION platform

Item - goods, services or rights which are the subject of an Offer

Transaction - any contract concluded between Users or a User and a Guest regarding the Item

User - a natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality, which the law grants legal capacity, using the Website after logging in to the Account.

Business User - Website User who is a natural person, legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, which the law grants legal capacity, conducts business or professional activity on its own behalf and uses the ION services on the Website, in connection with its business or professional activity.

Website - an internet online platform run by ION available in the domain https://www.ionoman.com/

Promotion Services - paid advertising promotion services

Payment Operator - an entity providing payment services to Users on ION Platform

ION Shipments - a service provided using the Website's functionality, which allows you to order the Delivery of Items on the Website.

Regulations - these Regulations together with appendices, specifying the rules for using the ION platform. The current version of the Regulations is available on the Website at any time, in a form that allows it to be downloaded, saved on the hard drive of the device, or printed.

Registration - the process of creating an Account by the User, after providing the User's data, accepting the Regulations, and activating the Account.

Section 2. General provisions

1. The terms of use of the Website, including the rules for Registration, publication of Advertisements and purchase of Paid Services, as well as matters relating to payment and complaint procedure, are set out in the Regulations. Everyone using the Website is obliged to read the content of the Regulations.

2. Content published on the ION platform, including in particular Announcements, regardless of their form, i.e. text, graphic, and video materials are subject to the protection of intellectual property rights, including copyright and industrial property rights of Merchant or third parties. It is forbidden to use this content in any way without the written consent of the authorized. It is forbidden to aggregate and process data and other information available on the Website for their further sharing with third parties within other websites and outside the Internet. It is also forbidden to use the Website's markings, including characteristic graphic elements, without the consent of ION.

3. ION is not a party to the Transaction.

4. As part of the Website, it is possible to:

a. browsing the content of the Website;

b. use of the Account and related functionalities

c. publication of Advertisements

d. use of the Paid Service (including Promotion Services)

5. Delivery and payment services are provided by external service providers to Users, based on separate legal relationships to which ION is not a party.

6. ION will use reasonable efforts to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the Website. Striving to ensure high-quality services and efficient functioning of the Website, however, it has the right to make breaks in the functioning of the Website on the terms described in SLA.

7. Users communicating with other Users through the chat functionality on the Website acknowledge that these conversations are not private and their content may be collected by ION. By accepting these Regulations, the User confirms that ION has the right to access and analyse the content of conversations conducted through the chat functionality on the Website in order to increase the safety of Users, prevent abuse and improve the Website.

Section 3. Account

1. In order to obtain the full functionality of the Website, the Guest should register an Account and use the Website as a logged-in User. The account gives the User the opportunity to use, among others from the following Website functionalities:

a. the publication and management of published Items;

b. follow other Users;

c. managing payments and invoices related to the services provided on the Website by ION;

d. sending and receiving messages to other Users;

e. ordering Promotion Services;

f. concluding Transactions with the use of the Shipment service.

2. The user may only be a natural person with full legal capacity, a legal person, or an organizational unit without legal personality, which the law grants legal capacity. In the case of legal persons and organizational units without legal personality, only a person authorized to act in this respect on behalf of these entities may create an Account on their behalf and perform any activities on the Website.

3. The User may have only one Account on the Website. The above rule does not apply to cases where:

a. The User has Accounts used for private purposes and related to his business activity;

b. The User uses various Accounts in the scope of his business activities in connection with the servicing of these Accounts by various representatives or branches of the enterprise run by the User, with the proviso that in the scope of any Account there is no delay in payments for services provided by ION, and the posted in the Accounts, Ads are not repeated for the same locations;

c. it will be necessary to create another Account due to the inability to access the Account (forgetting the password)

however, all exclusions in this regard will be verified in detail by ION, which is entitled to suspend the Account for the time of verification or deletion of Accounts in the absence of confirmation of the circumstances justifying the application of the above exclusion. The above exclusions do not apply if they are used by the User solely for the purpose of avoiding payment of amounts due for services provided on the Website.

4. Account registration requires:

a. fill in the form available on the Website and provide the data required therein, including the User's email address and a unique password or authentication via an external service provider such as Facebook, Instagram, Google or Apple;

b. read the Regulations and its attachments and accept their provisions.

5. ION processes the personal data of Users, persons acting on behalf of Users and Guests in accordance with the provisions

a. privacy policy - appendix no 2

b. cookies and similar technologies policy - appendix no. 3

6. After completing the data required for Registration, an Account Registration confirmation, a link to activate the Account and the current Regulations will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the User. Registration ends when the User activates the Account. At this point, the Account service contract is concluded. If the activation is not performed within 30 days of receiving the e-mail confirming the Account Registration, the activation link will expire and the Account will not be activated.

7. The User is obliged to provide true, correct and up-to-date data during the Registration process and in the course of using the Website, the use of which he is entitled to. The user is obliged to update the data in the event of their change. ION has the right to block the Account if the data provided does not meet the above requirements.

8. A person acting on the Website on behalf of and for the benefit of a User who is a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, which the law grants legal capacity, must be duly authorized to act and perform any activities on the Website on behalf and for the benefit of such User. ION has the right to perform additional verification of such a person by requesting a document confirming authorization to act on behalf of the User.

9. The User undertakes to keep the Account access data secret and to protect them against access by third parties. The User shall immediately inform ION in the event of becoming aware of the fact that the access data to the Account has been obtained by unauthorized third parties and, if possible, shall immediately change them.

10. The Account service agreement is concluded for an indefinite period upon the Account activation. The Account service contract may be terminated by the User subject to the following rules:

a. the right to delete the Account does not affect the User's right to withdraw or terminate the contract, provided for by law and these Regulations;

b. Account deletion is possible through:

1) sending a declaration of termination in writing to the address of the ION;

2) sending a declaration of termination using the contact form;

3) choosing the appropriate option in the Accounts panel.

c. upon deletion of the Account by the User, the remaining agreements linking ION with the User regarding the services provided on the Website will expire;

d. after deleting the Account or terminating the Account agreement, the User loses access to information provided or generated in the course of using the Website;

e. the termination of the Account Agreement will be effective from the moment it is made (for the future), ION will refund the equivalent of the unused amounts under the Paid Services.

11. In order to ensure the proper functioning of the Website, protect and ensure the safety of people using it, ION reserves the right to make additional verification of the validity and truthfulness of the data provided by the User and to request confirmation by the User of his identity, information contained in the Advertisement or information related to the Transaction made in the method chosen by ION. If the verification of the User's data or identity fails, ION may suspend or block the operation of the Account.

12. ION is entitled to terminate the contract with the User if the User:

a. despite a prior request from ION to cease certain actions or omissions in breach of the provisions of the Regulations or generally applicable provisions of law, he continues the actions indicated in the request.

b. has not logged into the Account for more than 12 months. As a result, the User will no longer be entitled to use the deleted Account. Information about the termination of the contract will be sent to the User 30 days in advance to the e-mail address provided during Registration. The User will be able to express a desire to continue using the Account by using the functionality provided for this purpose, which requires the User to log in to the Account. ION's right to terminate the contract in accordance with this provision does not limit the User's right to re-register on the Website. However, ION does not guarantee that the existing User name associated with the Account will be available for use in a new registration.

Section 4. Rules of publications items on the ION platform

1. ION enables the User to publish an Item on the Website. Publication of an Advertisement by the User on the Website takes place after filling in the appropriate form and is subject to SMS verification. SMS verification is carried out each time an Item is published on the ION platform and consists in sending a verification code to the telephone number provided by the User, which the User then provides as part of the form, with one telephone number for SMS verification on one Account. SMS verification may be repeated due to internal security procedures.

2. Upon publication of the Advertisement, the User grants ION a territorially unlimited and free license to record, reproduce and distribute all or any part of the Advertisement for the purpose of displaying it on the Website, as well as with ION's partners via. Which the promotion of the Website is carried out, as well as anywhere via the Internet, including search engines (such as Google), social networks (e.g. Facebook, Instagram). Granting a license is necessary for full use of the Website. Due to the nature of the Internet, ION does not have full control over the dissemination of content published or sent using the Website's functionality to other Users.

3. The content of each Item should meet the requirements set out in these Regulations, be truthful, unambiguous and understandable, and meet the technical requirements specified by the ION. The User remains free to define the content of the Advertisement within the law and in compliance with the following requirements:

a. The Items will be described in English or Arabic, and will not contain words commonly considered vulgar or offensive.

b. The User selects one Category appropriate for the Object and a thematic subcategory to which the Advertisement should be assigned;

c. The User will indicate the final price in Omani Rials, US dollars, Euro or Polish PLN's, and possibly indicate that the price is negotiable or the Item is offered for free, or the User allows the Item to be exchanged for another good or service.

d. The content of the Offer should contain a clear, accurate, and complete description of the item, including truthful and not misleading information about the features of the item. It is forbidden to provide this information without passing the Website;

e. One Offer may refer to one Item;

f. It is necessary to indicate whether the Offer concerns a single item, several items, or a set /package (a set means a set of elements constituting one whole).

g. The content of the Offer may not include content such as, in particular: advertisements, promotional and announcement content, website addresses, and other elements leading Users to websites providing the same or similar services as the ION.

4. The publication of the Offer on the Website begins immediately after its publication and lasts for the next 30 Days or their multiple up to 180 days and no longer than until one of the following circumstances occurs:

a. the Item was sold by the User;

b. The User has changed the Offer in a way indicating that it concerns a different Item than the one it originally applied to;

c. The user has deleted the Offer from the ION.

5. During the period of publishing an Offer on the Website, the User may modify the content of the Offer and some of its parameters, and delete the Offer.

6. The possibility of modifying the content of the Offer does not apply to changes in the price or any other parameters of the published Offer, aimed at avoiding payment of amounts due to ION, for services provided on the Website.

7. After the end of the publication of the Offer, regardless of the reason, the Offer is archived in the appropriate Account tab, where it is available to the User for a period of the next 3 months unless the User deletes the archived offer before that date.

Section 5. Payments.

1. The User will be informed on the Website in a visible manner on the current price of the Paid Services selected each time.

2. Payments made on the Website may be made in advance, i.e. in the full amount required for a given Paid Service before its provision, using the payment methods provided by ION, or in arrears, i.e. collectively at the end of a calendar month, for all Paid Services provided under Website for the User in a given month (Pay at the end of the month).

3. Payment at the end of the month is a form of settlement between the ION and the business User, which allows the business User to collectively pay for the use of Paid Services, within a payment period not shorter than 7 days from the date of issuing the invoice by ION and making it available to the business User in the Account and e-mail.

4. If the payment is made in advance, the provision of the Paid Service will begin no sooner than after the full amount of the payment for this Paid Service is credited to the ION account.

5. The User, at his discretion, may make a payment using one of the available payment methods provided by the ION platform

6. Using any of the payment methods may require establishing a separate legal relationship with the provider of a given payment service and accepting its regulations. ION is not a party to such a relationship and cannot interfere with its content or implementation. In the event of any payment problems, the User should contact the relevant payment operator to clarify any doubts or submit a complaint. Exceptionally and within the limits of technical and organizational possibilities, the ION may, however, help the User to clarify the problem, however, ION does not assume responsibility for the provision of the payment service by an external service provider.

7. In order to receive invoices, users should complete the appropriate form available after logging in to their account. Invoices issued in a given month include payments for that month.

8. The default form of making invoices available to the User is electronic. Acceptance of the Regulations constitutes at the same time acceptance for sending (sharing) invoices in electronic form, within the meaning of the provisions on tax on goods and services.

Section 6. Delivery and fulfilment

1. As part of the services, ION allows the Merchant to add an Offer with the Delivery and Fulfilment option, which will be carried out by a professional operator which is Daris company.

2. Daris is an external logistics operator ION, which, as part of the services provided on the Website, enables the Merchant to deliver and fulfil orders.

3. Delivery is provided against payment. The price of the Delivery will be added to the price of the Item and will be visible in the Offer, and its payment is a condition for the delivery of the Item to the Buyer.

4. Offer with delivery costs:

a. enable the purchase of the Item with the Delivery or contact the Merchant and agree on the terms of the Transaction without the Delivery service. The Buyer will be free to choose the method of executing the Transaction from among the available options;

b. contain information on the price of the Item, the price of the Delivery and the total price (the Item together with the Delivery).

5. If you choose to purchase an Item with Delivery:

a. The Buyer will complete the contact form in which he will provide the operator with the data necessary for the Delivery;

b. The Buyer will choose the method of Delivery from among the possible options. The Buyer may be asked to provide additional information required by the selected carrier in order to perform the Delivery, such as the selection of the appropriate collection point for the Item, convenient hours etc. .;

c. The Website will display to the Buyer a summary of the purchase details with Delivery. The Buyer will be asked for a final confirmation of the purchase with Delivery.

6. Immediately after placing the Order, the Merchant will be informed about it by changing the status of the Transaction in his Account. The Merchant will have 24 hours to accept the Order, counting from the moment of its submission. In the event of ineffective expiry of this period or rejection of the Order by the Merchant, the Order ceases to be binding and the Transaction is not concluded.

7. Within 72 hours of accepting the Order, the Merchant will be obliged to hand over the Item to the carrier selected by the Buyer. The Merchant will receive electronically a shipping label issued by the appropriate carrier, valid for 7 days, containing address details, shipment identification number and other data required by the carrier and allowing for shipping the shipment without paying additional fees. The exception is the form of order fulfilment in which the Merchant provides Daris with products for logistics services.

8. ION provides the Users with the possibility of constant monitoring of the Order status from the Account level. ION will exercise due diligence to inform Users immediately, inter alia, on the acceptance of the Order and the status of the Delivery, based on own data and data provided by the carrier and Daris. ION also provides Users with a link referring to the operator's subpage, enabling the tracking of the Delivery.

9. Using the Delivery or fulfilment option will require the transfer of personal data of the Merchant and the Buyer to the logistic operator to the extent necessary for the execution of the Delivery, as well as concluding a separate agreement with him by accepting the relevant regulations and conditions. ION is not a party to such agreements and cannot interfere with their content or implementation. In particular, in the event of any problems with the Delivery, the Merchant or the Buyer should contact Daris to clarify the problems or submit a complaint.

10. As part of the Accounts service, ION stores and makes available to the User the history and data related to the Transactions.

Prohibited and Conditionally Permitted Items

Section 1 Prohibited items

It is forbidden for the User to post Offers regarding the sale of the following Items (prohibited items) and to attach photos to them related to the following Items:

1. Items or photos containing pornographic content, especially pornographic content involving people under the age of 15, related to the use of violence or involving animals;

2. Items or photos containing content incitement to hatred, in particular on the basis of national, ethnic, racial, religious differences or due to non-denominationalism;

3. Software and Items adapted to conduct activities that violate the law or good manners, in particular software and items used to overcome physical or electronic security;

4. Materials that contain content that violates the personal rights of third parties;

5. Music, movies, software and other goods that infringe copyright / intellectual property;

6. Psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs, in particular drugs, as well as other substances that are intended to be used as substitutes, regardless of whether the possession and trade in such substances and drugs is legally prohibited, and devices intended or adapted to the use of psychotropic substances or drugs intoxicating;

7. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products as well as unprocessed tobacco;

8. Hazardous chemicals in their pure form, which can endanger life, health or the environment;

9. Explosives and pyrotechnics (e.g. fireworks, smoke candles);

10. Medicinal products on prescription;

11. Organs, tissues, blood and secretions of human or animal organs;

12. Live or dead animal specimens (as well as parts or derivatives thereof)

13. Counterfeit products, i.e. goods or services marked in a way that may mislead customers as to the origin, quantity, quality, ingredients, method of manufacture, suitability, applicability, repair, maintenance or other essential features of the goods or services;

14. Company shares, stocks, bonds and other securities, receivables, units of investment funds, insurance policies and products, and any other financial instruments offered as a form of investing or investing cash, with the exception of tangible securities with a collector value only;

15. Software licensed under the NFR (Not For Resale) license, in the trial version, freeware, shareware, abandonware;

16. Software adapted to conduct activities that violate the law or good manners, including:

a. Software enabling the generation of e-mail addresses from websites or enabling mass sending of messages to users of websites, messengers, etc. who have not consented to it;

b. Software and devices for removing locks and passwords from desktop and portable computers, hard drives and other storage media, car radios and mobile devices (i.e. mobile phones, tablets, etc.), as well as information, instructions and services related to removing or installing such blockades;

c. Software and devices that enable the retrieval of information about a computer user without his knowledge;

d. Software containing computer viruses or other harmful elements;

17. Serial keys sold without original software included.

18. Accounts created on free websites, including free e-mail accounts and invitations to use such websites or set up accounts on these websites;

19. Accounts in partnerships and loyalty programs, and services related to such programs;

20. Vehicle registration certificates and vehicle cards offered without the vehicles to which they were issued;

21. Discount and rebate coupons in the form of a promise entitling to a discount or other benefit for the future purchase of goods;

22. Personal data or email address lists;

23. Master's thesis, diploma, bachelor's and matriculation theses, essays and other works of this type as well as services related to the creation of such works;

24. Services and items related to participation in the so-called financial pyramids, i.e. financial structures created on the basis of acquiring new members, where the main (or exclusive) source of profit is the entry fee paid by them;

25. Stock investment systems and systems for number games and bookmakers, as well as services relating to the provision of assistance in joining and placing such games, with the exception of official book publications bearing an ISBN number;

26. Weapons and ammunition (including their essential parts), the possession or trading of which requires an appropriate permit or registration, firearms permanently de-functional and gas throwers, including pepper spray, whether their possession or trade is limited legal regulations;

27. Tickets for football matches;

28. E-mailing services, i.e. handling mass electronic correspondence;

29. Medicines available only in pharmacies and agents containing active substances. This also applies to preparations available only abroad and not approved for sale in Oman. Exceptions are dietary supplements, vitamins, herbal or homeopathic remedies;

30. Accounts on digital game distribution platforms (e.g. Steam, Origin), accounts in online games, the time devoted to them and any elements created by users in these games (e.g. characters, items);

31. E-cigarettes, liquids therefor (so-called liquids) and spare containers and their parts;

32. Registered SIM cards, SIM card registration services or support in the registration activities

33. Replicas of public documents, in particular passports, identity cards.

34. Surrogate childbirth services.

35. Food, whose shelf life has expired.

36. Preparations to increase sexual desire and other stimulants, including non-drug preparations.

37. Testers, in particular perfume and cosmetics testers.

Section 2 Items allowed conditionally

Posting Orders of the following types of Items is allowed, as long as they meet the conditions set out below and the description of the Item on the Offer page contains the indicated content (Items allowed conditionally):


Item Type



Live animals except bees and domestic or ornamental birds

The seller must guarantee personal collection (unless he uses the services of a company specializing in professional animal transport)


Electronic publications (e.g. books, poems, guides, so-called e-books)

The seller undertakes to declare that he is the sole author of the publication or its publisher.


OEM licensed software

The seller undertakes to declare that the software does not infringe the OEM license.


Software distributed under the GNU General Public License (the so-called GNU GPL)

Seller undertakes to certify that the software does not breach the terms of the GNU GPL license.


Hardware manuals etc.

The seller guarantees that the manual is sold together with the equipment to which it relates. If it is sold as a separate item, the Seller undertakes to declare that the manual is offered in the original paper version or on the original medium distributed by the manufacturer (i.e. it is not a copy, including electronic).


Firearms and their essential parts

The seller undertakes to declare that the separate loading weapon (not for integrated ammunition) was manufactured before 1885 or is a replica thereof.


Ammunition (e.g. projectiles, mines, grenades) or essential parts thereof

The Seller undertakes to declare that the ammunition is devoid of combat characteristics, is not filled with explosives, chemical, incapacitating or incendiary materials, as well as other substances which may endanger life or health.


Air rifle gun

The seller undertakes to declare that the energy of the projectile does not exceed 17 J.


Items designed to incapacitate people by means of electricity (including stun guns)

The seller undertakes to declare that in the case of the offered item, the average value of the current in the circuit does not exceed 10 mA.


Bulletproof vests, military and police helmets, face, limb and other body protectors

The Seller undertakes to declare that the offered item has been deprived of functional properties.


Blank warranty cards

The seller undertakes to declare that the warranty card is not a separate item of sale. The seller is obliged to attach it to the specific item covered by the warranty.


Tickets for artistic, entertainment or sporting events

The seller undertakes to declare that the price or value of the ticket is the same or lower than the nominal price (the amount printed on the ticket).


Animals, plants, fungi or micro-organisms (including any parts, gametes, seeds, eggs or diasporas, as well as hybrids, varieties or breeds that can survive and reproduce) included in the list of IAS of Union concern currently in force adopted on the basis of Regulation of the European Parliament and of the EU Council No. 1143/2014 of 22 October 2014 on preventive and remedial measures with regard to the introduction and spread of invasive alien species which, if released into the natural environment, may threaten native species or natural habitats

The seller undertakes to submit the decision of the general or competent regional environmental protection director authorizing the offering for sale and sale of these species.


Refrigerants such as fluorinated greenhouse gases

and ozone depleting substances in single use cylinders

The Seller undertakes to declare that the refrigerant does not violate the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of April 16, 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 and art. 6 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EC) No. 1005/2009 of September 16, 2009 on substances that deplete the ozone layer

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to any products, services, content, functionality, technology or features and all related websites, mobile applications, mobile sites or other online services or applications that we offer.

Who we are?

The main administrator of your data in the provision of our services is ION based in Muscat, address:

Alwatayah, Mattrah P.O.Box 50 102
Muscat, Oman VAT no. / NIP: 1373035

Up-to-date contact details are provided in section 12.

The data controller of your personal data processed in connection with the services provided through the Polish Website is ION branch in Gliwice.

What data do we collect about you?

1. Data provided directly by you

Registration and other information about your account

When you register to use the Services we provide, we may collect the following information about you:

a. if you register using your Facebook account: we collect your first and last name as they appear on your Facebook account and the identification number (Facebook ID) and the URL address of your Facebook profile picture. In a situation where, as part of the privacy settings of the Facebook application (such settings appear immediately before logging in to our Website), you grant your consent, we may also obtain information about your gender, age, email ID.

b. if you log in using a Google account: we collect your first name, last name, and email address as well as the URL for your Google profile picture.

c. if you register using your email address: email address:

i. first name and last name.

ii. e-mail address.

iii. mobile phone number.

Additional personal data

When using our Services, you may also voluntarily provide the following additional personal data:

a. payment data if you are interested in purchasing our Paid Services specified in the Regulations, which, depending on the payment method used, include:

i. Your credit card details (name and surname of the cardholder, expiry date, credit card type, and the last four digits of the card number).

ii. Your mobile number.

iii. Your e-mail address.

b. First name and last name, address, postal code, city, e-mail address, telephone number, date, and time of delivery, tracking number, selected points of shipment, signature - if you are the Merchant and you decide to use the service "Shipments".

c. First name and last name, address, postal code, city, e-mail address, telephone number, date, and time of delivery, tracking number, selected collection points, signature - if you are a Buyer and you decide to use the service "Shipments".

d. all data relating to the Buyer or the Merchant necessary to analyse and resolve the reported fraud (and subsequently - to pursue claims we have thus acquired), including, for example, the content of the Announcement related to such an event, name, surname and e-mail address assigned to the Account, from which the Buyer made the purchase, residence address, number and series of ID card or passport, Buyer's bank account number to which any compensation should be transferred, Advertisement ID number or shipment number provided as part of the Shipment, copy (scan) of the confirmation of submitting the notification about the possibility of committing a crime to the relevant law enforcement authorities, the Merchant's data available and necessary for the verification and processing of the case, possibly, if it is deemed necessary - any other evidence that may be helpful in considering the request for compensation, and then - investigations taken over by us in this manner of claims;

e. data associated with your use of payment services (payment) made available as part of our Service, and provided by external operator payment, including the necessary data for verification and customer identification obligated institution, which is the operator of payments resulting from the Law on Anti-Money Laundering and financing of terrorism, which we collect on our Website and forward to the Payment Operator.

If you use certain functionalities of the Website, for verification purposes, we may require you to provide additional data, such as, for example, a mobile phone number (e.g., when you issue an Advertisement for the first time, when it serves to ensure a higher level of security of the Website or Account, or when in our We have introduced restrictions on the number of free ads). In these situations, failure to provide additional data that we will ask you for will prevent you from using these Website functionalities.

In justified cases of suspected violation of the provisions of the Regulations consisting in acting to the detriment of other Website Users, we may ask you to provide us with additional information related to the transaction (e.g., a copy of the proof of postage). In such cases, the basis for our processing of this category of personal data is our legitimate interest in combating violations of the Regulations and providing Users with the possibility of using a safe and friendly Website.

Participation in surveys/tests

We may provide you with user surveys to check overall satisfaction with the quality of our Services. For this purpose, we only use a session (this is a random ID assigned to you when you download our mobile application or visit our website). In addition, you can voluntarily provide us with your contact details, such as email address and mobile number, so that we can contact you and invite you to one of our usability tests (UX) or to an interview with our team. Please note that the information you provide to us as part of answering your survey questions may include personal data that you voluntarily provide to us.

Communication via the chat function on our Website

When you use the chat feature to communicate with other users, we collect the message content and information that you provide through that functionality.

Telephone communication and correspondence

In the case of contact by phone or e-mail, we collect all information that you decide to provide during the conversation or during correspondence with our employees or representatives. Please be advised that in the case of telephone contacts, all calls are recorded. If you object to the recording of telephone conversations, the conversation will not be continued, and you can use other available forms of communication.

Contacting us, including when you are a guest.

If you use our Website and leave us data to contact you or contact us yourself, we collect the data that you provide to us via all kinds of contact forms, requesting an offer or contacting you and during such contact.

Ratings and opinions data

We collect and share information from your ratings and opinions in accordance with our Regulations. It is an element of our Services, which aims to test their satisfaction with the purchasing experience and ensure the best level of communication between Users, verify undesirable actions and behaviours, and enable us to take appropriate actions in this regard to impose high standards of services provided on the Website.

2. Data we collect automatically when you use our Services.

When you use our Website, we automatically collect the following information about you:

Device data

We collect information about your devices, such as the operating system version and unique identifiers. An example of such information is the name of the cellular network you are using, your IP address, device language settings, device brand and type, device operating system and version, browser type and version, and device software information such as fonts, system time zone and browsers, available video, and audio formats. If you are logged in, device-related information is linked to your account by us.

Location information

Depending on the privacy settings of your device, if you list a specific item on our Website, we automatically collect and process information about your current location. We use various technologies to determine the location, including IP address, GPS, Wi-Fi access points and mobile stations. Your location data allows you to view the items for sale in your neighbourhood and make it easier for you to sell items in your area. If we need your location data, we will first display a pop-up asking you to allow or deny access to your location data on your mobile device.

Login data

We collect technical details, including the internet protocol address (IP address) of your device, information about the time zone and operating system. We also store information about your login (Registration date, last password change date, last successful login date) and the type and type of your web browser.

Data on activity on the Website

We collect information about your activity on the Website, including information about the pages from which you come to our Website, the date of each visit, the results of your searches, lists of Products and advertising banners you clicked on, your interactions with such advertisements and product lists, time the duration of your visit, as well as the order in which you visited individual sections of our Website.


We use cookies to manage user sessions, store the choice of language preferences and deliver relevant advertisements to you. "Cookies" are small text files sent by a web server to the hard drive of your device. Cookies can be used to collect information about the date and time of your visit, your browsing history, your preferences, and your username. You can change your browser settings to reject all or some cookies or set alerts informing you that websites place or have access to cookies. Remember that if you block or reject cookies, some of our Services or parts of the Website may become unavailable to you or may not function properly. For more information on our use of cookies, please see our Policy on Cookies and Similar Technologies.

3. Data obtained from third parties or from publicly available sources.

We receive your personal information from various third parties (and from public sources) that we may combine with the personal information we collect from you through our Services. This applies to the following information:

a. If you sign up with a Google account: we receive the email address associated with your Google account (to create an ION account and send system notifications and marketing messages), your Google ID and your full name (used as a username when you use of our Services) and the URL to your profile picture (to create a profile picture of your ION account); If you register with your Facebook account: we receive the email address associated with your Facebook account (to create an ION account and send System notifications and marketing messages) and information from your public profile, including your Facebook ID, your first and last name (used as your username when using our Services), and the URL to your Facebook profile picture (to create a profile picture ION accounts);

b. Some technical and use-related information is obtained from analytical service providers, such as Google Analytics 360, for statistical purposes and to analyse the use of our Services, to improve our Services and online marketing (more on this in section 6).

c. Address and contact data related to the conducted business activity obtained from information providers, such as business intelligence agencies and entities building databases of potential contractors and publicly available registers (e.g., Central Register and Information on Economic Activity).

d. Other Website users, to the extent that they correspond with us regarding our Services or transactions you have conducted with them (e.g., shipment confirmation data, information about the non-compliance of the goods with the advertisement, information about potential frauds).

e. Website users with whom you cooperate, to the extent that they use your personal data with your knowledge as part of their activity on the Website (e.g., if your employer - the User - places your data in the Offer).

4. Data obtained from other Users.

Ratings and feedback

If you use the Website as a Merchant, we download and share information provided by other users about their assessment and opinion regarding contact with you - in accordance with our Regulations. It is an element of our Services, which aims to test their satisfaction with the purchasing experience and ensure the best level of communication between Users, verify undesirable actions and behaviours, and enable us to take appropriate actions in this regard to impose high standards of services provided on the Website.

Do we collect data from children?

Our Services are not directed to children under the age of 16 and we do not knowingly collect information about them. If we find that a person under the age of 16 has provided us with personal data, we will delete it immediately.

Why do we process information about you?

We will only use your personal data where it is permitted by law. We most often process your personal data when:

a. It is necessary for the conclusion or performance of the contract, including the provision of services as part of the Shipment and Payment (remember that by using our Services you conclude a contract for the provision of electronic services).

b. It is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests, consisting in conducting direct marketing in accordance with art. 4.5. and art. 7 of this Privacy Policy, improving our Services and providing you with access to a safe and efficient Website as well as pursuing our claims and defending against potential third party claims.

It is necessary to fulfil our legal obligation. In certain circumstances, we may also process your personal data based on your consent. In such cases, at the time of obtaining your consent, we will inform you about the purpose of processing and the category of personal data processed.

Below we present a description of how we process your personal data and the legal basis on which we have based our activities. In addition, where applicable, we have identified and described our legitimate interests.

a. Processing to ensure access and provision of Services via the Website.

If you log in using your mobile number or email ID, we will use your name, mobile number, or email address to identify you as a User and provide you with access to our Website.

If you log in using your Facebook account or Google account, we will use your name and email address from your Facebook profile or Google account, as well as the URL to your profile photo to identify you as a User of our Website and provide you with access to the Website.

The above login information is also used by us to provide the Services in accordance with our Regulations.

We use third party payment service providers to process any payments made as part of the purchase of our Services. Depending on the payment method, you may be asked to provide us with payment and credit card details, which we will then pass on to your payment service provider to process your payment. We do not store your credit card information unless you choose to save such information to facilitate recurring payments without having to re-enter your details each time. In such cases, we only store the name of the cardholder, the expiry date of the card, the card type and the last four digits of the card number. We do not store any credit card code verification values. We only transfer these values ​​and the credit card number in an encrypted manner to process the payment by our payment service provider.

We use your email address and mobile number to send you suggestions and recommendations for our Services that may be of interest to you. The above information is processed for the proper performance of the contract you have concluded with us and based on a legitimate interest if we undertake marketing activities consisting in offering you Services.

Our Regulations define the scope of the Services we provide. To use some of them, you will need to provide additional personal information (the "Additional Personal Information" referred to above). Providing this data is voluntary, but it may be necessary to use certain functionalities of the Website, about which you will be informed, e.g., by marking mandatory fields or an appropriate annotation in the Regulations.

If we receive your data in accordance with point 2.3.5 - we will process them based on our legitimate interest in the need to present and archive the content requested by the User in accordance with our Regulations.

b. Processing to improve the convenience of using the Website and to develop new Website functionalities.

We use data about your activity towards:

i. Offering you personalized content, such as better search results when you use our Services.

ii. Determining how long and how you move around our Website to learn about your interests and improve our Services. For example, based on information about the content you are interested in, we may provide you with suggestions for other interesting materials.

iii. Monitoring and reporting the effectiveness of marketing campaigns to our business partners and for internal business analysis purposes.

We use your location data for the following purposes:

i. Combining anonymous and aggregated information about the characteristics and behaviour of ION users, including for the purposes of business analysis, segmentation, and development of anonymous profiles.

ii. Supporting the development of our Website and personalizing the content that we address to you.

iii. Measuring and monitoring your interactions with third party advertising banners that we place on our Website.

Based on the contact information that includes your email ID and telephone number, we recognize various devices (such as a desktop computer, mobile phone, tablet) used by you to access the Website. This allows us to combine your activity on our Website on all devices and helps to provide you with the same convenience of using the Website, regardless of what device you use.

For the purposes of preventing abuse and promoting security by blocking spam or offensive messages that may be sent to you by other Users, we analyse your communication via the chat function.

We process the above information to properly perform the contract you have concluded with us, to improve our Services and based on the premise of our legitimate interest in preventing abuse. For this purpose, we develop and improve machine learning models and appropriate algorithms that help us automatically detect and prevent inappropriate or dishonest behaviour of Users. Only in limited cases and circumstances do our security specialists review messages manually. In these cases, and circumstances, we impose strict restrictions on access to such messages. During such manual analysis, we identify messages in the most anonymous way possible, anonymizing the individual identifiers assigned to Users. At the same time, there may still be cases beyond our control where the messages may contain the personal data you have included in such messages.

We process the above information based on the premise of our legitimate interest to improve your convenience of using the Website and for the proper performance of the contract you have concluded with us.

To enable you to use the increasingly convenient Website and new useful functionalities, we are constantly working on the development of our services. To develop new solutions, we can conduct various types of tests and studies. In this case, we may process your personal data based on our legitimate interest in the development of our Website. To protect your interests, we have implemented many personal data protection mechanisms.

To enable you to use our Services in a manner that meets your needs and in accordance with the highest standards of user service, we process your personal data based on our legitimate interest in the development of the Website and individual Services provided within it. The above includes the processing of your activity on the Website, including the data indicated by you in various types of surveys and forms, and possibly your contact details to obtain information on the quality of the Services provided on the Website.

We use the photos of descriptions and prices you provide in your Offers to train machine learning models to personalize search results in relation to the ranking of ads and user interests, to improve the identification and presentation of ad elements, and to improve the search function and increase the likelihood of a successful sale. This will help us improve our Services and provide a better user experience.

To display and recommend lists of ads on our Services that may be of interest to you, we use algorithms that use information related to your browsing behaviour, items purchased, clickstream data, your user ID, and location data. We do it based on your consent. We use this form of automated decision-making based on our legitimate interest in improving our Services and providing you with a better user experience by offering you relevant classifieds lists.

We will occasionally provide you with user surveys to determine your satisfaction with the quality of our Services.

c. Processing to ensure the security of the Website.

i. We use your mobile phone number, login details, data provided as part of the Shipping and Payments service (except for the bank account number and data contained in the photo of the ID document and bank statement) as well as unique device identifiers to administer and protect our Website (including diagnostics, data analysis, testing, fraud prevention, response to fraud, maintenance of IT systems, support, reporting and data hosting).

ii. For the purposes of preventing abuse and promoting security by blocking spam or offensive messages that may be sent to you by other users, we analyse your communication via the chat function. For this purpose, we develop and improve machine learning models and appropriate algorithms that help us automatically detect and prevent inappropriate or dishonest behaviour of Users. Only in limited cases and circumstances do our security specialists review messages manually. In these cases, and circumstances, we impose strict restrictions on access to such messages. During such manual analysis, we identify messages in the most anonymous way possible, anonymizing the individual identifiers assigned to Users. At the same time, there may still be cases beyond our control where the messages may contain the personal data you have included in such messages.

iii. To prevent and detect fraud, we use algorithms that recognize suspicious user behaviour based on certain information, such as user activity and published content. This may lead to us blocking some user accounts. Automatic blocking occurs when there is a very high degree of certainty that an account or activity is fraudulent. Otherwise, a personal assessment is carried out by selected Users' security and protection specialists based on highly restrictive access rights. We use this form of automated decision-making based on our legitimate interest to detect and prevent fraud and to ensure the security of our Services for our Users. If you believe that your account has been unfairly blocked, you can contact us via the contact form. In this case, our team will check the decision to block the account.

iv. We collect certain information from and in connection with the electronic device from which you use our Services, based on our legitimate interest in preventing fraud on our Services. The information we collect includes your user ID (depending on whether you are logged in), IP address, device language settings, device brand and type, device operating system and version, browser type and version, and device software information such as fonts. System and browser time zone, available video, and audio formats. Device information is used to determine whether the same device is being used when users interact with our Services. We associate this information with the potentially fraudulent activity of the user, from which we may block certain users. For more information, see our Policy on Cookies and Similar Technologies. If you believe that your account has been unfairly blocked, you can contact us via the contact form. In this case, our team will check the decision to block the account.

We process the above information to properly perform the contract you have concluded with us, to improve our Services and based on the premise of our legitimate interest in preventing abuse, and to improve the overall quality and effectiveness of our services.

d. Processing to improve the quality of our services.

To improve the quality of our services and ensure that our employees maintain the highest standards in terms of customer service, we use call recordings or correspondence that we conduct when considering your requests, complaints or answering your questions. The above information is used e.g., for employee training and considered during internal quality control processes.

The basis for the processing of your personal data for the purposes described above is our legitimate interest, consisting in improving the quality of our services and providing you with the highest standards of service quality.

e. Processing for the purpose of marketing our services, contacts with third parties and administrative bodies

B2B contacts

We use your contact details and information about your business activities to promote our Services and encourage you to establish or develop cooperation with ION.

In a situation where we have obtained your data from publicly available sources or from third parties, we will make every effort to inform you about the rules of processing your personal data and obtain appropriate consent for remote marketing contacts. We will also provide you with the opportunity to object to the processing of your data for such purposes.

We use the above personal data based on a legitimate interest in marketing the Services and expanding the scope of cooperation with entrepreneurs.

Contacts with third parties and administrative authorities .

If you represent entities that cooperate or want to cooperate with ION or are a representative of the media or public administration bodies, we use your personal data for the purposes of correspondence, establishing commercial cooperation, performing contracts concluded by your company/organization with ION or handling applications or matters related to with tasks performed by administrative bodies.

We use the above personal data based on a legitimate interest consisting in ensuring the possibility of correspondence, concluding, or performing commercial contracts, and handling matters in the field of public administration.

f. Processing to promote and offer services that may be of interest to you.

We use your email address and mobile number to provide you with suggestions and recommendations about our Services that may be of interest to you.

We use algorithms that use information based on browsing data to send you messages via e-mail, to provide suggestions and recommendations about the classifieds lists or our Services. We will always provide you with the option to unsubscribe from such communications by posting an unsubscribe link. We use this form of automated decision-making based on our legitimate interest in improving our Services, increasing the number of transactions on our Services, and providing a better user experience by offering more relevant classifieds lists.

We use your browsing data to monitor and report campaign performance to our business partners and for internal business analysis.

If you choose to provide us with your location data, we may use your data to measure and monitor your interaction with the third-party banner ads that we place on our Services.

We process the above information based on our legitimate interest in undertaking marketing activities to offer you Services that may be of interest to you. You may receive certain marketing messages from us:

i. By any means of communication, you choose if you have consented to receive such information from us.

ii. By email, in relation to similar products and Services, if you already use our Services or have purchased some of our products.

iii. by phone or in the form of an e-mail, if you provided us with your data when participating in the competition; or

iv. By phone or e-mail if you have registered as part of a promotional campaign.

You can ask us to stop sending you such marketing communications at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the email sent to you or by changing your ION Account settings.

In other cases, than mentioned above, we will use your e-mail address and mobile phone number to send you direct marketing messages (via e-mail, push notifications, SMS, or phone calls), if you have given your consent to do so by ticking the appropriate field when registering on our Website. You can always change your mind and withdraw your consent by changing the settings within your ION Account.

In case of problems with changing the notification settings, please contact us using our Contact Form.

How will we inform you about changes to our Privacy Policy?

The Privacy Policy may be changed or updated by us. Any changes will be posted on this page https://ionoman.com/ and portal notification after logging in to your account. Separate message will be provided via e-mail if communication email was updated in the system. If you do not agree to the changes we make, you can close your account by going to its settings and selecting the option to close your account.

Your rights

The applicable privacy protection regulations grant you certain rights related to the processing of your personal data. The nature of our actions determines the scope of your rights.

How to exercise your rights:

To ensure the implementation of your rights, we have made available appropriate functionalities as part of your Account. By using the available functions, you can correct your personal data, receive a copy of it, or request the deletion of the Account and related personal data. Because we care about the security of our Users' personal data, requests regarding the exercise of your rights should be reported from the level of the ION account functionality. This is the only way we have a chance to verify whether a specific request was made by the data subject (User). In addition, remember that deletion of your data is possible only after the end of our services, i.e., after deleting your account from the ION platform. We also make every effort to ensure that appropriate functionalities are also available in our other services.

If you wish to exercise any of the rights described below, please go to your account / privacy settings.

The right to access your personal data. This right allows you to receive information as to whether we process personal data about you, and if so, the right to receive a copy of the personal data that we process. The right to access personal data allows you to verify that we are processing it lawfully.

The right to rectify your personal data. This right allows you to request the correction of incomplete, untrue, or out-of-date data that we process. In some cases, when fulfilling your request, we will have to verify the correctness of the new data you provide to us.

The right to limit the processing of your personal data. This right allows you to ask us to suspend the processing of your personal data in the following situations:

1. When you want us to check the accuracy of the data.

2. When our processing is unlawful.

3. When you need the data to establish, assert or defend claims, even though we no longer need your data for our own processing purposes.

4. When you have objected to our processing, but we need to verify whether we still have overriding and legitimate grounds to continue processing your personal data.

The right to delete your personal data. This right allows you to request the deletion of your personal data if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. You can also request us to delete your personal data, if you have successfully exercised your right to object to processing (see below), if we process your data unlawfully or we are required to delete your personal data to comply with the legal obligation indicated in provisions of applicable law. Remember that in some cases, we are required to process your data based on applicable regulations, and we cannot fulfil your request. See section 8 for more information.

The right to object to the processing of your data in a situation where we process your data based on a legitimate interest (ours or third parties). You can raise the right to object for reasons related to your situation, when, in your opinion, the processing affects your rights or freedoms. You also have the right to object if we process your data for direct marketing purposes. In some cases, we can demonstrate that we have legitimate grounds for data processing that override your rights and freedoms (e.g., the need to ensure the security of the Website and counteract fraud). In such cases, the right to object does not entail the deletion of your personal data. You also have the right to object if we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes. You can exercise your right to object in the following way, depending on the processing activities that you want us to stop:

1. For marketing emails, please click on the unsubscribe link in our emails.

2. For marketing text messages, push notifications or phone calls, change the notification settings in your account to opt out.

3. For cookies, click the opt-out option on our consent management platform.

4. In the event of an objection to the processing of your data, you can contact us via the Contact Form.

The right to transfer your personal data. We will provide you or a third party indicated by you with your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. Remember that you are entitled to this right only in relation to data processed based on consent or the premise for the performance of a contract that you have concluded with us, and the processing itself is carried out in an automated manner (in IT systems).

If you have given us your consent to process your personal data, you have the right to withdraw it at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out based on consent before its withdrawal. If you have given us consent to receive commercial or marketing information based on separate provisions, you also have the right to withdraw it at any time.

As a rule, exercising your rights is free of charge: You will not have to pay a fee for exercising the right to access your personal data (or for exercising any other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, due to its continuing nature. In such cases, we may also refuse to comply with your request.

Time to fulfil requests: We strive to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. If your request is particularly complex or you have made several requests, it may take us longer than a month to process them. In this case, we will inform you about the extension of the deadline and provide you with current information regarding the implementation of your request.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority at any time, as indicated in section 10.

We will be grateful if, before submitting a complaint to the supervisory authority, you will give us a chance to deal with your case and any doubts related to our actions. For this reason, please contact us via the Contact Form.

Communication and Marketing

We will communicate with you via email, SMS or via notifications related to our Services / Website. Communication will be aimed at confirming your registration, informing you when your Offer becomes active / expires and in the event of other transactional messages related to our Services. Because sending you such messages is necessary from our perspective, you may not be able to opt out of receiving them.

We may also communicate with you to collect information on your assessment of the quality of the Services provided on the Website, as well as communication between Users, including the responsiveness of advertisers and entities to whom we provide your contact details at your request. We take such actions sporadically, based on our legitimate interest in the development of the Website and individual services provided within it, but you can object to them.

If you leave us your contact details - even if you are a Guest - we will use them to contact you and answer your inquiry or make you an offer, depending on the purpose of leaving the data. Personal data of people using contact forms are processed to identify the sender and provide the help or information you request, including a commercial offer.

You may receive marketing communication when you have asked us to receive such information, by expressing your consent to receive marketing communication, including by submitting a clear request to obtain it or to leave your data for this purpose. From time to time, we may also send commercial and marketing information to certain groups of customers by traditional mail without obtaining prior specific consent for this type of marketing - but only until they object.

In a situation where you are not our user yet and we have obtained your personal data from publicly available sources (e.g., from registers, other websites) or from third parties, we use them to inquire about the possibility of presenting an offer in an electronic or telephone form or in to present our marketing or commercial content to you by traditional mail. Using your personal data obtained from publicly available sources, we take appropriate steps to ensure the protection of your rights and provide you with all the necessary information about the rules for the processing of personal data. The marketing offer will only be presented to you if you have given your separate consent to it.

You can unsubscribe from receiving marketing communications at any time by clicking on the appropriate link in the email / SMS message sent to you (if applicable) or by changing the settings within your Account. In case of any problems or difficulties, please contact us via the Contact Form. In the case of correspondence sent by traditional mail, you can do it using the contact channels specified in section 12.

Who do we share your data with?

For the purposes set out in section 4, we may share your personal data with the following categories of recipients:

Marketing and analytical service providers: To improve our Services, we sometimes share information about you in a non-personally identifiable form with analytical service providers, such as Google Analytics 360, who help us analyse how users use our Services / Website and to improve our Services as well as supporting our online marketing and interest-based advertising. For the purposes of monitoring and reporting the effectiveness of our business partners' campaigns and for internal business analysis purposes, we share information with them in a way that prevents users from being identified. For more information on our analytical service providers, see our Policy on Cookies and Related Technologies.

Entities providing goods delivery or fulfilment services under the "Shipments" option: to provide the "Shipments" service, we transfer your data to Daris. As part of cooperation, the Daris company will also be responsible for the transfer of your data to the selected carrier responsible for accepting the delivery service. Data sent in this way include Name, surname, addresses, zip codes, cities, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, date, and time of delivery, tracking number, signature. The entities to which the Users' personal data will be made available in this scope and for the purpose become separate administrators of this personal data.

We carry out inspections of our suppliers and require them to ensure the security of your personal data and to process it in accordance with the law. We do not allow our suppliers to process your personal data for their own purposes. As part of our cooperation, we reserve that supplier may process them only for clearly indicated purposes, in accordance with our instructions.

Mergers and Acquisitions: We may decide to sell, transfer or merge parts of our business or our assets. We may also seek to acquire or merge other businesses. In the event of any change, the new owner will be able to use your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy. In such cases, we will take all steps required by law, which may include notifying you and giving you the choice of continuing to use our Services.

Entities providing payment services under the "ION Payments" option: to provide payment services made available on our Website, we transfer your data to the Payment Operator. The data sent in this way includes all data necessary to process the payment as well as verify and identify the client of the obligated institution under the Act on counteracting money laundering and terrorist financing. The Payment Operator becomes a separate administrator of this personal data.

Law enforcement authorities, supervisory bodies, and others: We may disclose your personal data to law enforcement authorities, supervisory bodies, public authorities, and entities performing public tasks or acting on behalf of public authorities and other third parties. The disclosure of such data takes place in connection with the performance of legal obligations.

Publicly Available Information: If you are using our Services and choose to put a specific item on sale, you may choose to disclose certain personal information to other users of the ION Platform. This information may include your name, email address, location, and contact number. Remember that any information that you disclose to other users may be passed on, so you should be especially careful in this matter. Some information may be made publicly available automatically upon publication of an Offer - e.g., your rating.

Where and for how long do we store your data?

The data we collect about you will be stored and processed on properly secured servers to provide our users with the highest quality services, e.g., fast websites or constantly developed mobile applications. ION user data is stored on cloud servers provided by Amazon Web Services including additional data storage protection.

We store your data for as long as it is necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, including as part of fulfilling legal, tax and accounting obligations or for reporting purposes. If there has been no activity in your Account for a period longer than 12 months, we will delete your Account in accordance with the provisions of the ION Terms and Conditions, including all personal data stored in your Account, which means that you will no longer be able to access and use it.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount and nature of the data processed, including the nature of a specific category of data. We also consider the potential risk of unauthorized use or unauthorized disclosure of your personal data, the possibility of achieving the purposes of processing by other means and the content of the provisions relating to the processed personal data.

We store your personal data related to the ION account if you have it on the Website for the purposes of providing services provided in accordance with the Regulations, as well as for marketing purposes. After deleting your account, your data will be deleted without undue delay and as soon as technically possible. Depending on the Service you have used and the systems from which your data is stored, deletion of your data may take up to 3 months from the date of submission of the request. During this period, all access to your data will be immediately restricted or blocked.

After closing your account, we may store your personal data to the extent and for the period necessary to fulfil obligations resulting from legal provisions or our legitimate interests. We will only store data that is relevant for such purposes and delete such data after the expiry of the relevant statutory retention or limitation periods or after compliance with a relevant legal obligation.

Personal data related to cookie technology is stored for the time corresponding to the life cycle of cookies or until they are deleted by the User. You can read more about it in our Policy on Cookies and Related Technologies.

If you have any questions regarding your data retention periods, please contact us via the Contact Form.

Technical and organizational measures as well as processing security

All information we receive about you is stored on properly secured servers. We have also implemented appropriate and necessary technical and organizational measures to protect your data. The ION constantly assesses the level of security within its network and monitors internal regulations and procedures designed to:

1. protect data against accidental or unlawful loss, access, or disclosure,

2. identify foreseeable risks to the security of the ION network,

3. risk minimization through its assessment and regular tests.

Additionally, we ensure that all payment data is encrypted using SSL technology.

Remember that despite the measures we have implemented to protect your personal data, sharing information via the Internet or publicly available networks is never completely secure and there is a risk that unauthorized third parties will gain access to your personal data.

Links to third party websites

Our Website may contain links to third party websites or applications. If you click on one of these links, remember that each of the pages you will be redirected to has its own privacy policy. We have no influence on such websites / applications and are not responsible for their policies. We encourage you to read the information on the privacy policy of each website that you visit when leaving our Website.


For additional information or to exercise your rights, check your account settings or contact our Privacy Department using the Contact Form, or via the Help section on our Website. If you want to contact us in matters related to the processing of your personal data, you can:

Send a letter to our HQ address:

Alwatayah, Mattrah P.O.Box 50 102
Muscat, Oman

or a branch in Poland

ION Sp. z o. o.
ul. Kościuszki 43/10,
40-048 Katowice, Poland

Applied law.

The ION platform processes data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)

Link to the regulation (GDPR)

Payments and Provisions

General thoughts

The use of the ION platform is a paid service according to the payment and provisions regulations below. The user can define 3-level access as part of the fee payable in a monthly, quarterly or semi-annual cycle. The fee is based on the number of products sold and additional functionality depending on the level selected by the user.

1. Types of accounts

Level 1 - Bronze user package

The brown user status is obtained by people selling up to 10 products a day (monthly up to 300) using the platform. As part of the subscription, user gain access to features like:

a. managing user account with:

i. Inventory management tool

ii. Invoicing software

iii. Point of Sale solutions

b. Access to ecommerce ION platform

c. Own website provided by ION

Level 2 - Silver user package

Silver user status is awarded to people selling 11 to 40 products per day (monthly from 301 - 1200) via the platform. As part of the subscription, they gain access to the brown user functionality and also:

a. Additional two operational users with:

i. Inventory management tool

ii. Point of Sale solutions

Level 3 - Golden user package

Golden user status is awarded to people selling 41 to 70 products per day (monthly up to 1200) via the platform. As part of the subscription, they gain access to the silver user functionality and :

a. Additional two operational users

b. Additional one Accounting user with:

i. Inventory management tool

ii. Invoicing software

iii. Point of Sale solutions

iv. Accounting tools

c. Access to email marketing tools

d. Marketing automatization

e. Social marketing tool

f. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system

2. Table of payments

Each user is obliged to pay the fees according to the adopted plan using prepayment, exceptions are business customers who are charged with an invoice with a payment term of not less than 7 days in accordance with the Terms of Use indicated in point 5.3.

The fees for individual types of accounts are presented in the table below:


Level of account

Numbers of items sold monthly

Monthly subscription

Quarterly subscription
(5% discount)

Semi-annual subscription
(8% discount)


Bronze user

Up to 300

39 OMR

111,15 OMR

215,28 OMR


Silver user

301 - 1200

89 OMR

253,65 OMR

491,28 OMR


Gold user

1201 - 2100

139 OM

396,15 OMR

767,28 OMR

3. Additional modules:

Each of the user levels may additionally purchase additional functionalities depending on the needs of their offer. The prices of the individual modules are as follows:

a. Accounting user - 15,60 OMR

i. Inventory management tool

ii. Invoicing software

iii. Point of Sale solutions

iv. Accounting tools

b. Operational user - 12,00 OMR

i. Inventory management tool

ii. Point of Sale solutions

c. Functionalities:

i. Access to email marketing tools - 2,50 OMR

ii. Marketing automatization - 8,50 OMR

iii. Social marketing tool - 6,00 OMR

iv. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system - 5,00 OMR

The cost of additional modules and functionalities should be added to the fee depending on the selected payment method. In the case of a subscription, the User who wants to extend the possibilities of his account must pay a fee for the selected additional functionality or module, adequately to the time in which he would like to use it.

The selected and paid-for functionalities will be launched in the next calendar month.


Additional modules paid for the period from 3 to 5 months are also subject to an additional discount of 5% from the basic price. In the case of payment for a period longer than 5 months, i.e. 6 months and more, the discount is calculated at 8% of the basic price.

4. Fees and provisions for additional options

The User may choose additional options allowing to set a specific way of presenting the page with the content of the Offer and its promotion on ION.

a. The fee for each additional option is charged at the time of publication of the Offer, and in the case of a later selection of a given option.

b. Fees for additional options are described in section A below.

i. Highlighted offer - 0,39 OMR / day

ii. Bolded offer - 0,15 OMR / day

iii. Highlighted offer + bolded font - 0,50 / day or 3,5 OMR / week